2023-05-30 00:58:20 +03:00

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* Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Bosch Sensortec GmbH
* File : bma4.h
* Date: 12 Oct 2017
* Revision: 2.1.9 $
* Usage: Sensor Driver for BMA4 family of sensors
* Disclaimer
* Common:
* Bosch Sensortec products are developed for the consumer goods industry.
* They may only be used within the parameters of the respective valid
* product data sheet. Bosch Sensortec products are provided with the
* express understanding that there is no warranty of fitness for a
* particular purpose.They are not fit for use in life-sustaining,
* safety or security sensitive systems or any system or device
* that may lead to bodily harm or property damage if the system
* or device malfunctions. In addition,Bosch Sensortec products are
* not fit for use in products which interact with motor vehicle systems.
* The resale and or use of products are at the purchasers own risk and
* his own responsibility. The examination of fitness for the intended use
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* The purchaser shall indemnify Bosch Sensortec from all third party
* claims, including any claims for incidental, or consequential damages,
* arising from any product use not covered by the parameters of
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* The purchaser must monitor the market for the purchased products,
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* Engineering Samples are marked with an asterisk (*) or (e).
* Samples may vary from the valid technical specifications of the product
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* parties or for use in end products. Their sole purpose is internal
* client testing. The testing of an engineering sample may in no way
* replace the testing of a product series. Bosch Sensortec assumes
* no liability for the use of engineering samples.
* By accepting the engineering samples, the Purchaser agrees to indemnify
* Bosch Sensortec from all claims arising from the use of engineering
* samples.
* Special:
* This software module (hereinafter called "Software") and any information
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* free of charge for the sole purpose to support your application work.
* The Software and Information is subject to the following
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* The Software is specifically designed for the exclusive use for
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* This Software package is provided `` as is `` and without any expressed
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* Bosch Sensortec and their representatives and agents deny any liability
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* subject to change without notice.
/*! \file bma4.h
\brief Sensor Driver for BMA4 family of sensors */
#ifndef BMA4_H__
#define BMA4_H__
/* header files */
#include "bma4_defs.h"
#ifdef AKM9916
#include "aux_akm9916.h"
#ifdef BMM150
#include "aux_bmm150.h"
/* (extern) variable declarations */
/* function prototype declarations */
* @brief This API is the entry point.
* Call this API before using all other APIs.
* This API reads the chip-id of the sensor which is the first step to
* verify the sensor and also it configures the read mechanism of SPI and
* I2C interface.
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
* @note
* While changing the parameter of the bma4
* consider the following point:
* Changing the reference value of the parameter
* will changes the local copy or local reference
* make sure your changes will not
* affect the reference value of the parameter
* (Better case don't change the reference value of the parameter)
uint16_t bma4_init(struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to write the binary configuration in the sensor
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_write_config_file(struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks whether the write operation requested is for
* feature config or register write and accordingly writes the data in the
* sensor.
* @note user has to disable the advance power save mode in the sensor when
* using this API in burst write mode.
* bma4_set_advance_power_save(BMA4_DISABLE, dev);
* @param[in] addr : Register address.
* @param[in] data : Write data buffer
* @param[in] len : No of bytes to write
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_write_regs(uint8_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks whether the read operation requested is for
* feature or register read and accordingly reads the data from the sensor.
* @param[in] addr : Register address.
* @param[in] data : Read data buffer.
* @param[in] len : No of bytes to read.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_regs(uint8_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the error status from the sensor.
* Below table mention the types of error which can occur in the sensor
* Error | Description
* | Fatal Error, chip is not in operational
* fatal | state (Boot-, power-system).
* | This flag will be reset only by
* | power-on-reset or soft reset.
* cmd | Command execution failed.
* | Value Name Description
* error_code | 000 no_error no error
* | 001 acc_err error in
* | Error in FIFO detected: Input data was
* fifo | discarded in stream mode. This flag
* | will be reset when read.
* mag | Error in I2C-Master detected.
* | This flag will be reset when read.
* @param[in,out] err_reg : Pointer to structure variable which stores the
* error status read from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_error_status(struct bma4_err_reg *err_reg,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the sensor status from the dev sensor.
* Below table lists the sensor status flags
* Status | Description
* ----------------------------|----------------------------------------
* BMA4_MAG_MAN_OP_ONGOING | Manual Mag. interface operation ongoing
* BMA4_CMD_RDY | Command decoder is ready.
* BMA4_MAG_DATA_RDY | Data ready for Mag.
* BMA4_ACC_DATA_RDY | Data ready for Accel.
* @param[in] status : Variable used to store the sensor status flags
* which is read from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_status(uint8_t *status, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the Accel data for x,y and z axis from the sensor.
* The data units is in LSB format.
* @param[in] accel : Variable used to store the Accel data which is read
* from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @note For setting the Accel configuration use the below function
* bma4_set_accel_config
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_accel_xyz(struct bma4_accel *accel, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the sensor time of Sensor time gets updated
* with every update of data register or FIFO.
* @param[in] sensor_time : Pointer variable which stores sensor time
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_sensor_time(uint32_t *sensor_time, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the chip temperature of sensor.
* @note If Accel and Mag are disabled, the temperature value will be set
* to invalid.
* @param[out] temp : Pointer variable which stores the temperature value.
* @param[in] temp_unit : indicates the unit of temperature
* temp_unit | description
* ------------|-------------------
* BMA4_DEG | degrees Celsius
* BMA4_FAHREN | degrees fahrenheit
* BMA4_KELVIN | degrees kelvin
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @note Using a scaling factor of 1000, to obtain integer values, which
* at the user end, are used to get accurate temperature value.
* BMA4_SCALE_FARHAN = 1.8 * 1000, BMA4_SCALE_KELVIN = 273.15 * 1000
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_temperature(int32_t *temp, uint8_t temp_unit,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the Output data rate, Bandwidth, perf_mode
* and Range of accel.
* @param[in,out] accel : Address of user passed structure which is used
* to store the Accel configurations read from the sensor.
* @note Enums and corresponding values for structure parameters like
* Odr, Bandwidth and Range are mentioned in the below tables.
* Value | Odr
* -----------|------------------------------------
* Value | accel_bw
* ------|--------------------------
* Value | g_range
* --------|---------------------
* 0x00 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_2G
* 0x01 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_4G
* 0x02 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_8G
* 0x03 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_16G
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_accel_config(struct bma4_accel_config *accel,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the output_data_rate, bandwidth, perf_mode
* and range of Accel.
* @param[in] accel : Pointer to structure variable which specifies the
* Accel configurations.
* @note Enums and corresponding values for structure parameters like
* Odr, Bandwidth and Range are mentioned in the below tables.
* Value | ODR
* --------|-----------------------------------------
* Value | accel_bw
* ------|--------------------------
* Value | g_range
* --------|---------------------
* 0x00 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_2G
* 0x01 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_4G
* 0x02 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_8G
* 0x03 | BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_16G
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_accel_config(const struct bma4_accel_config *accel,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the advance power save mode in the sensor.
* @note If advanced power save is enabled and the Accel and/or
* magnetometer operate in duty cycling mode, the length of the unlatched
* DRDY interrupt pulse is longer than 1/3.2 kHz (312.5 us).
* @param[in] adv_pwr_save : The value of advance power save mode
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_advance_power_save(uint8_t adv_pwr_save,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the status of advance power save mode
* from the sensor.
* @note If the advanced power save is enabled and the Accel and/or
* magnetometer operate in duty cycling mode, the length of the unlatched
* DRDY interrupt pulse is longer than 1/3.2 kHz (312.5 us).
* @param[out] adv_pwr_save : The value of advance power save mode
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_advance_power_save(uint8_t *adv_pwr_save,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the FIFO self wake up functionality in the sensor.
* @note Functionality related to FIFO self wake up depends upon the
* advance power save mode. for more info. refer data sheet.
* @param[in] fifo_self_wakeup : Variable used to enable or disable
* FIFO self wake up functionality.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_fifo_self_wakeup(uint8_t fifo_self_wakeup,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the status of FIFO self wake up functionality from
* the sensor.
* @note Functionality related to FIFO self wake up depends upon the
* advance power save mode. for more info. refer data sheet.
* @param[out] fifo_self_wake_up : Pointer variable used to store the
* fifo self wake up status.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_fifo_self_wakeup(uint8_t *fifo_self_wake_up,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables or disables the Accel in the sensor.
* @note Before reading Accel data, user should call this API.
* @param[in] accel_en : Variable used to enable or disable the Accel.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_accel_enable(uint8_t accel_en, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks whether Accel is enabled or not in the sensor.
* @param[out] accel_en : Pointer variable used to store the Accel enable
* status
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_accel_enable(uint8_t *accel_en, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to enable or disable auxiliary Mag
* in the sensor.
* @note Before reading Mag data, user should call this API.
* @param[in] mag_en : Variable used to enable or disable the Mag.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_mag_enable(uint8_t mag_en, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API is used to check whether the auxiliary Mag is enabled
* or not in the sensor.
* @param[out] mag_en : Pointer variable used to store the enable status of
* Mag in the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_enable(uint8_t *mag_en, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the SPI interface mode which is set for primary
* interface.
* @param[out] spi : Pointer variable which stores the SPI mode selection
* Value | Description
* --------|------------------
* 0 | SPI 4-wire mode
* 1 | SPI 3-wire mode
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_spi_interface(uint8_t *spi, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API configures the SPI interface Mode for primary interface
* @param[in] spi : The value of SPI mode selection
* Value | Description
* --------|------------------
* 0 | SPI 4-wire mode
* 1 | SPI 3-wire mode
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_spi_interface(uint8_t spi, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API writes the available sensor specific commands
* to the sensor.
* @param[in] command_reg : The command to write to the command register.
* value | Description
* --------|------------------------------------------------------
* 0xB6 | Triggers a soft reset
* 0xB0 | Clears all data in the FIFO, does not change
* | FIFO_CONFIG and FIFO_DOWNS registers
* 0xF0 | Reset acceleration data path
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @note Register will always read as 0x00
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_command_register(uint8_t command_reg, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the I2C device address of auxiliary sensor
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_i2c_device_addr(struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the register access on MAG_IF[2], MAG_IF[3],
* MAG_IF[4] in the sensor. This implies that the DATA registers are
* not updated with Mag values automatically.
* @param[in] mag_manual : Variable used to specify the Mag manual
* enable status.
* value | mag manual
* ---------|--------------------
* 0x01 | BMA4_ENABLE
* 0x00 | BMA4_DISABLE
* @param[out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_mag_manual_enable(uint8_t mag_manual, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks whether the Mag access is done manually or
* automatically in the sensor.
* If the Mag access is done through manual mode then Mag data registers
* in sensor are not updated automatically.
* @param[out] mag_manual : Mag manual enable value
* value | mag_manual
* --------|-------------------
* 0x01 | BMA4_ENABLE
* 0x00 | BMA4_DISABLE
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_manual_enable(uint8_t *mag_manual, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the I2C interface configuration(if) mode
* for auxiliary Mag.
* @param[in] if_mode : The value of interface configuration mode
* Value | Description
* ------------|-------------------------------------------
* 0 | p_auto_s_off Auxiliary interface:off
* 1 | p_auto_s_mag Auxiliary interface:on
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_aux_if_mode(uint8_t if_mode, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the address of the register of Aux Mag sensor
* where the data to be read.
* @param[out] mag_read_addr : Pointer variable used to store the
* mag read address.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_read_addr(uint8_t *mag_read_addr, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the address of the register of Aux Mag sensor
* where the data to be read.
* @param[in] mag_read_addr: Value of Mag. read address in order to read
* the data from the auxiliary Mag.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_mag_read_addr(uint8_t mag_read_addr, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the Aux Mag write address from the sensor.
* Mag write address is where the Mag data will be written.
* @param[out] mag_write_addr: Pointer used to store the Mag write address
* which is read from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_write_addr(uint8_t *mag_write_addr, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the Aux Mag write address in the sensor.
* Mag write address is where the Mag data will be written.
* @param[in] mag_write_addr: Write address of Mag where the data will
* be written.
* @param[out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_mag_write_addr(uint8_t mag_write_addr, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the data from the sensor which is written to the
* Mag.
* @param[out] mag_write_data: Pointer variable which stores the
* data which is written in Mag through sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_write_data(uint8_t *mag_write_data, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the data in the sensor which in turn will
* be written to Mag.
* @param[in] mag_write_data: variable which specify the data which is to
* be written in Mag.
* @param[out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_mag_write_data(uint8_t mag_write_data, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the x,y,z and r axis data from the auxiliary
* Mag BMM150/AKM9916 sensor.
* @param[out] mag : Pointer variable to store the auxiliary Mag x,y,z
* and r axis data read from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_mag_xyzr(struct bma4_mag_xyzr *mag, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the burst data length (1,2,6,8 byte) of auxiliary
* Mag sensor.
* @param[in] mag_burst : Variable used to specify the Mag burst read length
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_mag_burst(uint8_t mag_burst, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the burst data length of Mag set in the sensor.
* @param[out] mag_burst : Pointer variable used to store the burst length
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_burst(uint8_t *mag_burst, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the FIFO data of Accel and/or Mag sensor
* @param dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_fifo_data(struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the FIFO water mark level which is set
* in the sensor.
* @note The FIFO watermark is issued when the FIFO fill level is
* equal or above the watermark level.
* @param[out] fifo_wm : Pointer variable to store FIFO water mark level
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_fifo_wm(uint16_t *fifo_wm, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the FIFO watermark level in the sensor.
* @note The FIFO watermark is issued when the FIFO fill level is
* equal or above the watermark level.
* @param[in] fifo_wm : Variable used to set the FIFO water mark level
* @param[out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_fifo_wm(uint16_t fifo_wm, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks whether the Accel FIFO data is set for filtered
* or unfiltered mode.
* @param[out] accel_fifo_filter : Variable used to check whether the Accel
* data is filtered or unfiltered.
* Value | accel_fifo_filter
* ---------|-------------------------
* 0x00 | Unfiltered data
* 0x01 | Filtered data
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_accel_fifo_filter_data(uint8_t *accel_fifo_filter,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the condition of Accel FIFO data either to
* filtered or unfiltered mode.
* @param[in] accel_fifo_filter : Variable used to set the filtered or
* unfiltered condition of Accel FIFO data.
* value | accel_fifo_filter_data
* -----------|-------------------------
* 0x00 | Unfiltered data
* 0x01 | Filtered data
* @param[out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_accel_fifo_filter_data(uint8_t accel_fifo_filter,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the down sampling rates which is configured
* for Accel FIFO data.
* @param[out] fifo_down : Variable used to specify the Accel FIFO
* down-sampling rates
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_fifo_down_accel(uint8_t *fifo_down, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the down-sampling rates for Accel FIFO.
* @param[in] fifo_down : Variable used to specify the Accel FIFO
* down-sampling rates.
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_fifo_down_accel(uint8_t fifo_down, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the length of FIFO data available in the sensor
* in the units of bytes.
* @note This byte counter is updated each time a complete frame was read
* or written
* @param[in] fifo_length : Pointer variable used to store the value of
* fifo byte counter
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_fifo_length(uint16_t *fifo_length, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API aligns and compensates the Mag data of BMM150/AKM9916
* sensor.
* @param[in] mag_fifo_data: Structure object which stores the Mag x,yand z
* axis FIFO data which is to be aligned and/or compensated.
* @param[in] mag_second_if: Variable used to select the Mag sensor.
* Value | mag_second_if
* --------|----------------------
* 1 | BMA4_SEC_IF_BMM150
* 2 | BMA4_SEC_IF_AKM09916
* @param[out] compensated_mag_data: Pointer variable used to store the
* compensated Mag xyz axis data
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
bma4_second_if_mag_compensate_xyz(struct bma4_mag_fifo_data mag_fifo_data,
uint8_t mag_second_if,
struct bma4_mag *compensated_mag_data);
* @brief This API reads Mag. x,y and z axis data from either BMM150 or
* AKM9916 sensor
* @param[out] mag : Structure pointer used to store the Mag x,y, and z axis
* data read from the sensor.
* @param[in] sensor_select : Variable used to select the Mag sensor
* Value | Sensor
* ---------|----------------------
* 1 | BMA4_SEC_IF_BMM150
* 2 | BMA4_SEC_IF_AKM09916
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_mag_xyz(struct bma4_mag *mag, uint8_t sensor_select,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the auxiliary I2C interface configuration which
* is set in the sensor.
* @param[out] if_mode : Pointer variable used to store the auxiliary
* interface configuration.
* Value | Description
* ----- |----------------------------------
* 0x00 | auxiliary interface:off
* 0x01 | auxiliary interface:on
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_if_mode(uint8_t *if_mode, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the auxiliary interface configuration in the sensor.
* @param[in] if_mode : Variable used to select the auxiliary interface
* configuration.
* Value | Description
* ----- |--------------------------
* 0x00 | auxiliary interface:off
* 0x01 | auxiliary interface:on
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_if_mode(uint8_t if_mode, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the data ready status of Accel from the sensor.
* @note The status get reset when Accel data register is read.
* @param[out] data_rdy : Pointer variable to store the data ready status
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_accel_data_rdy(uint8_t *data_rdy, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the data ready status of Mag from the sensor.
* The status get reset when Mag data register is read.
* @param[out] data_rdy : Pointer variable to store the data ready status
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_mag_data_rdy(uint8_t *data_rdy, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the ASIC status from the sensor.
* The status information is mentioned in the below table.
* Status | Description
* sleep | ASIC is in sleep/halt state.
* irq_ovrn | Dedicated interrupt is set again before previous
* | interrupt was acknowledged.
* wc_event | Watchcell event detected (ASIC stopped).
* stream_transfer_active | stream transfer has started.
* @param[out] asic_status : Structure pointer used to store the ASIC
* status read from the sensor.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_asic_status(struct bma4_asic_status *asic_status,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API enables the offset compensation for filtered and
* unfiltered Accel data.
* @param[in] offset_en : Variable used to enable or disable offset
* compensation
* offset_en | Description
* ------------|----------------------
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_offset_comp(uint8_t offset_en, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the status of Accel offset compensation
* @param[out] offset_en : Pointer variable used to store the Accel offset
* enable or disable status.
* offset_en | Description
* ----------|--------------
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_offset_comp(uint8_t *offset_en, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API parses and extracts the accelerometer frames from
* FIFO data read by the "bma4_read_fifo_data" API and stores it in the
* "accel_data" structure instance.
* @note The bma4_extract_accel API should be called only after reading
* the FIFO data by calling the bma4_read_fifo_data() API
* @param[in,out] accel_data : Structure instance of bma4_accel where
* the accelerometer data in FIFO is stored.
* @param[in,out] accel_length : Number of accelerometer frames
* (x,y,z axes data)
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @note accel_length has the number of accelerometer frames
* (1 accel frame = 6 bytes) which the user needs to extract and store is
* provided as input parameter by the user and the Number of valid
* accelerometer frames extracted and stored is updated in
* "accel_length" at the end of execution of this API.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_extract_accel(struct bma4_accel *accel_data,
uint16_t *accel_length, const struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API parses and extracts the magnetometer frames from
* FIFO data read by the "bma4_read_fifo_data" API and stores it in the
* "mag_data" structure instance parameter of this API
* @note The bma4_extract_mag API should be called only after reading
* the FIFO data by calling the bma4_read_fifo_data() API
* @param[in,out] mag_data : Structure instance of bma4_mag_xyzr where
* the magnetometer data in FIFO is stored.
* @param[in,out] mag_length : Number of magnetometer frames (x,y,z,r data)
* @param[in,out] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @note mag_length has the number of magnetometer frames(x,y,z,r data)
* (1 mag frame = 8 bytes) which the user needs to extract and store,It is
* provided as input parameter by the user and the number of valid
* magnetometer frames extracted and stored is updated in
* "mag_length" at the end of execution of this API.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_extract_mag(struct bma4_mag *mag_data, uint16_t *mag_length,
const struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API performs Fast Offset Compensation for Accel.
* @param[in] accel_g_value : Array which stores the Accel g units
* for x,y and z axis.
* accel_g_value | Description
* --------------------------|---------------------------------------
* accel_g_value[0] | x axis g units
* accel_g_value[1] | y axis g units
* accel_g_value[2] | z axis g units
* @param[in] dev : structure instance of dev
* @note The g-values to be passed to the parameter should be
* multiples of 1000000.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_perform_accel_foc(const int32_t accel_g_value[3],
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API checks whether the self test functionality of the sensor
* is working or not
* @param[in] result : Pointer variable used to store the result of self test
* operation
* result | Description
* ---------|--------------------
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return results of self test
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_perform_accel_selftest(uint8_t *result, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API performs the steps needed for Self test operation
* before reading the Accel Self test data.
* @param[in] sign: Variable used to specify the self test sign
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return results of self test
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_selftest_config(uint8_t sign, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief API sets the interrupt to either interrupt1 or
* interrupt2 pin in the sensor.
* @param[in] int_line: Variable used to select interrupt pin1 or pin2
* int_line | interrupt selection
* ---------|-------------------
* 0 | BMA4_INTR1_MAP
* 1 | BMA4_INTR2_MAP
* @param[in] int_map: Variable used to select a particular interrupt
* in the sensor
* @param[in] enable : Variable used to enable or disable the interrupt
* Value | Behaviour
* ---------|-------------------
* 0x01 | BMA4_ENABLE
* 0x00 | BMA4_DISABLE
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_map_interrupt(uint8_t int_line, uint16_t int_map, uint8_t enable,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the interrupt mode in the sensor.
* @param[in] mode: Variable used to specify the interrupt mode which
* is to be set in the sensor.
* Mode | Value
* ----------------------- |---------
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_interrupt_mode(uint8_t mode, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API gets the interrupt mode which is set in the sensor.
* @param[out] mode: Pointer variable used to store the interrupt mode set in
* in the sensor.
* Mode | Value
* ---------------------|---------------
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_interrupt_mode(uint8_t *mode, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API sets the auxiliary Mag(BMM150 or AKM9916) output data
* rate and offset.
* @param[in] aux_mag : Pointer to structure variable used to specify
* the auxiliary Mag configuration.
* Odr | Value
* Offset | Value
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_aux_mag_config(const struct bma4_aux_mag_config *aux_mag,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the auxiliary Mag(BMM150 or AKM9916) output data
* rate and offset.
* @note : Valid output data rates are mentioned in the below table
* @param[out] aux_mag : Pointer to structure variable used to store the
* auxiliary Mag configuration read from the sensor
* Odr | Value
* Offset | Value
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_aux_mag_config(struct bma4_aux_mag_config *aux_mag,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
/*! @brief This API sets the FIFO configuration in the sensor.
* @param[in] config : Enum variable used to specify the FIFO
* configurations which are to be enabled or disabled in the sensor.
* @note : User can set either one or more or all FIFO configurations
* by ORing the below mentioned enums.
* config | Value
* ------------------------|---------------------------
* BMA4_FIFO_TIME | 0x02
* BMA4_FIFO_TAG_INTR2 | 0x04
* BMA4_FIFO_TAG_INTR1 | 0x08
* BMA4_FIFO_MAG | 0x20
* BMA4_FIFO_ACCEL | 0x40
* BMA4_FIFO_ALL | 0x7F
* @param[in] enable : Parameter used to enable or disable the above
* FIFO configuration
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return status of bus communication result
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_set_fifo_config(uint8_t config, uint8_t enable,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
/*! @brief This API reads the FIFO configuration from the sensor.
* @param[in] fifo_config : Enum variable used to get the below fifo
* configuration from the sensor.
* @note After calling this function user should do the AND operation with
* the enum value populated by this function to know which FIFO
* configuration is enabled.
* fifo_config | Value
* -------------------------|--------------------------
* BMA4_FIFO_TIME | 0x02
* BMA4_FIFO_TAG_INTR2 | 0x04
* BMA4_FIFO_TAG_INTR1 | 0x08
* BMA4_FIFO_MAG | 0x20
* BMA4_FIFO_ACCEL | 0x40
* BMA4_FIFO_ALL | 0x7F
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_fifo_config(uint8_t *fifo_config, struct bma4_dev *dev);
/*! @brief This function sets the electrical behaviour of interrupt pin1 or
* pin2 in the sensor.
* @param[in] int_pin_config : Pointer to structure variable which specifies
* the configuration data of either interrupt pin1 or 2.
* ************************************************************************
* Structure field members | Macros
* ********************************|***************************************
* edge_ctrl | BMA4_LEVEL_TRIGGER(0)
* ********************************|***************************************
* lvl | BMA4_ACTIVE_LOW(0)
* ********************************|***************************************
* od | BMA4_PUSH_PULL(0)
* ********************************|***************************************
* output_en | BMA4_OUTPUT_DISABLE(0)
* ********************************|***************************************
* input_en | BMA4_INPUT_DISABLE(0)
* ************************************************************************
* @param[in] int_line : Variable used to select the interrupt pin1 or
* pin2 for interrupt configuration.
* int_line | Value
* ----------------|----------------------
* BMA4_INTR1_MAP | 0
* BMA4_INTR2_MAP | 1
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
bma4_set_int_pin_config(const struct bma4_int_pin_config *int_pin_config,
uint8_t int_line, struct bma4_dev *dev);
/*! @brief This API reads the electrical behavior of interrupt pin1 or pin2
* from the sensor.
* @param[out] int_pin_config : Pointer to structure variable which stores the
* configuration data of either interrupt pin1 or pin2 read from the sensor
* ************************************************************************
* Structure field members | Macros
* ************************|***********************************************
* edge_ctrl | BMA4_LEVEL_TRIGGER(0)
* ************************|***********************************************
* lvl | BMA4_ACTIVE_LOW(0)
* ************************|***********************************************
* od | BMA4_PUSH_PULL(0)
* ************************|***********************************************
* output_en | BMA4_OUTPUT_DISABLE(0)
* ************************|***********************************************
* input_en | BMA4_INPUT_DISABLE(0)
* ************************************************************************
* @param[in] int_line : Variable used to select the interrupt pin1 or
* pin2 for interrupt configuration.
* int_line | Value
* -------------------|---------------
* BMA4_INTR1_MAP | 0
* BMA4_INTR2_MAP | 1
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev
* @return status of bus communication function
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_get_int_pin_config(struct bma4_int_pin_config *int_pin_config,
uint8_t int_line, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the Feature and Hardware interrupt status from the
* @param[out] int_status : Variable used to get the interrupt status.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_int_status(uint16_t *int_status, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the Feature interrupt status from the sensor.
* @param[out] int_status_0 : Variable used to get the interrupt status.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_int_status_0(uint8_t *int_status_0, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the Hardware interrupt status from the sensor.
* @param[out] int_status_1 : Variable used to get the interrupt status.
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_read_int_status_1(uint8_t *int_status_1, struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API initializes the auxiliary interface to access
* auxiliary sensor
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_aux_interface_init(struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API reads the data from the auxiliary sensor
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @param[in] len : User specified data length
* @param[out] aux_data : Pointer variable to store data read
* @param[in] aux_reg_addr : Variable to pass address from where
* data is to be
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_aux_read(uint8_t aux_reg_addr, uint8_t *aux_data, uint16_t len,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
* @brief This API writes the data into the auxiliary sensor
* @param[in] dev : Structure instance of bma4_dev.
* @param[in] len : User specified data length
* @param[out] aux_data : Pointer variable to store data read
* @param[in] aux_reg_addr : Variable to pass address from where
* data is to be
* @return Result of API execution status
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Any non zero value -> Fail
uint16_t bma4_aux_write(uint8_t aux_reg_addr, uint8_t *aux_data, uint16_t len,
struct bma4_dev *dev);
/* End of __BMA4_H__ */